Below you will find a complete list of all of the skin treatments and procedures you might be considering, from accutane for acne to dermabrasion to waxing for removing excess hair. Most of these will be performed or administered by a dermatologist, aesthetician or other licensed professional. Some you can do yourself at home with a little guidance.

You’ll also find sections on treating your skin on a daily basis for general health and avoiding damage. This includes a daily skin and face routine, finger and toenail care and ways to keep your skin vibrant and injury free.

We’ve recently added sections on how to protect your skin from the sun including which sunscreens to use and why completely avoiding the sun or overprotecting can be dangerous, and at the opposite end protecting your skin from extreme cold and avoiding dryness, damage and even worse, frostbite.

When you click on a link below, you will be taken to a page which explains the treatment in full detail, i.e. what it is, what it’s used for, how it works, where you can find it and more.

Accutane Treatment of Acne EMLA Cream Restylane Injections
Acne Surgery Epilation for Hair Removal Retin-A (Tretinoin)
Alpha Hydroxyacid Peels Efudex (5FU cream) Rogaine for Hair Loss
Alpha Hydroxyacid for Acne Hair Transplants Sclerotherapy (Spider Vein Removal)
Alpha Hydroxyacids for Sun Damage Facial Sculptra/New Fill
Anthralin Treatment of Psoriasis Facial Filler Guide Silicone Gel for Scars
Antibiotic Treatment Facial Make-Up Skin Lightening Creams
Antioxidant Serums Finasteride (Propecia) Stitches Wound Care
Artefill Dermal Filler (PMMA) Jessner’s Peel (Light to Medium Peel) Stretch Mark Treatment
Asian Skin Irregular Pigmentation Juvederm XC Sun Spot Treatment
Black Skin Irregular Pigmentation Laser Hair Removal Tanning Lotions
Botox Injections for Wrinkles Liquid Nitrogen Treatment Tattoo Removal Methods
Cold Weather Skin Care Methotrexate Therapy TCA Peels (Medium Peels)
Collagen Injections Mohs Surgery Tetracycline for Acne, Rosacea
Cortisone Creams and Ointments Obagi Blue Peel Tretinoin (Retin-A)
Cortisone Taken Internally Perlane HA Filler UVB Phototherapy
Daily Face Care Prevelle HA Filler Waxing for Hair Removal
Daily Foot Care and Pedicures Propecia
Daily Skin and Scalp Care Psoriasis of the Scalp 
Dermabrasion PUVA Phototherapy
Duoderm Radiesse (formerly Radiance)
Dysport vs Botox Renova

If you don’t see something you are looking for, please feel free to contact us and we’ll do our best to provide you with the skin treatment information you are looking for. We are constantly updating the site to keep you up to date on all of your skincare options.

From prescription pills and ointments, to over the counter salves, to natural and herbal products, our experts will present the best solutions for all skin health issues.