Lichen striatus is an uncommon rash that consists of small raised bumps with a pinkish hue forming a linear band. It usually involves the arms and legs, but can affect any part of the body.
Females are affected two to three times more than males and the condition most commonly occurs in children between five and fifteen years of age. Lichen striatus usually does not cause any itching or other symptoms, but it may in rare cases.
The band that is formed is typically a few centimeters long and half a centimeter wide, and could span the entire length of the leg or the arm in some cases. You may also experience two bands together, and it could also affect the nail area.
What causes lichen striatus?
Like many skin conditions, the cause is unknown, but there might be a genetic and/or environmental component to it. It is not dangerous or contagious (does not spread from person to person).
It is related to similar conditions such as tinea corporis as well as a rare condition called Darier Disease, although the symptoms are a bit different.
Are there treatments for the raised bumps?
Your dermatologist can usually make a diagnosis with a visual inspection, but may order tests just to be sure. It does not need to be treated because it doesn’t pose any health risks and usually goes away in a matter of months.
Skin softeners and cortisone creams might help ease the condition while you are waiting for it to heal on its own. If you experience itching (pruritus) you may benefit from medications called calcineurin inhibitors, which control inflammation.
After lichen striatus heals, you may notice some hyperpigmentation (discoloration) in the area for some time. This will go away as well, but it may take a couple of years in some cases.