Candida is one of the most common, and least understood, skin problems. It can affect men, women and children and cause a variety of symptoms. Since many of these are uncomfortable and often embarrassing, most people are loathe to discuss this sensitive condition. But the more you understand about it, the better you will be able to treat it and prevent further outbreaks.

This particular condition is described as a red, itchy, scaly rash present on the skin, particularly in warm, moist areas such as the groin, vagina, folds under the breasts, and in the armpits. In infants, the rash can appear on the bottom when it is exposed to wet diapers, thus leading to the name “diaper rash”. In some instances the rash can occur in the mouth, in which case it is known as “thrush”. In women, the condition commonly occurs in the vagina and is known as “yeast infection”.

What causes candida to develop?

The cause of this particular rash is an overgrowth of the common yeast Candida albicans. This yeast is normally found in the body and its growth is kept in check by various types of bacteria which feed on it. When the balance of bacteria in the body is thrown off, then the Candida albicans multiplies at a greater than regular rate, causing a multitude of uncomfortable symptoms.

This type of yeast infection can also be a side effect of antibiotic therapy. When it occurs in the genital area in both women and men it can be highly contagious and easily spread through sexual contact, so you should always inform your sexual partner and seek treatment before having intercourse when you have a yeast infection.

What are the yeast infection treatment options?

A nutritional supplement such as CandidaFX can be quite effective for some sufferers.

Another good treatment regimen is anti-yeast cream applied to the affected area twice a day followed by hydrocortisone cream (hydrocortisone 1% cream can be bought at the drug store without a prescription). These two medicines can be applied at the same time (okay to mix the two on the skin). The anti-yeast cream is only available with a prescription. Lotrimin cream is an over the counter anti-yeast cream that often works.

In recent years, the holistic community has made some real inroads in the treatment of yeast infection. Because doctors have pinpointed a bacterial imbalance as a key trigger of yeast infection, new treatments are focused on restoring a natural balance of bacteria in your digestive system in order to promote overall good health. For instance, limiting foods high in sugars and carbs in your diet can help to stem yeast growth. This can be particularly important for individuals with diabetes, who are particularly susceptible to developing Candida. Eating a well-balanced diet and making sure that you get a healthy dose of prebiotics and probiotics, the healthy bacteria that your body needs, has been shown to reduce yeast growth.

Since stress can also lead to outbreaks of Candida, you can help to improve your health by using stress-relieving techniques such as yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises. Avoiding exposure to common household chemicals found in paints, household cleaners and some perfumes can also help as people with yeast overgrowth tend to be overly sensitive to these types of chemicals.

Some doctors use pills to treat candida, but these can have some side effects so other methods are usually explored first and oral medications should be a last resort.

If you have recurrent Candida infections you should have a glucose tolerance test done to rule out diabetes mellitus. If you are a diabetic and are frequently diagnosed with Candida infections your blood glucose levels are probably not in the normal range. You should contact your family doctor and have your treatment plan reevaluated.

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Diaper Rash Skin Irritation