Lymphomatoid papulosis is very rare, stubborn persistent rash that usually occurs on the chest, stomach, back, arms and legs. The rash often consists of red or brown bumps that have a crusty surface.
The bumps usually heal in two to six weeks but new ones continue to form and it tends to leave scars. This condition is slightly more common in men than women.
What causes lymphomatoid papulosis?
The cause of this condition is not known, and researchers are not able to determine whether or not it is a genetic disorder or inherited condition. It tends to affect people under the age of 30, and is not contagious.
In some people it turns into lymphoma which is a form of cancer. This happens in about one out of ten people.
Lymphomatoid papulosis often lasts for years. Patients need to see their doctor regularly to make sure their condition does not turn into cancer.
Can it be treated effectively?
The first thing your dermatologist will do is determine if in fact this condition is LyP and not a related condition such as the uncommon rash known as pityriasis lichenoides.
This is best accomplished via a biopsy…the doctor will cut off some of the skin and send it off to a lab for diagnosis and to determine the severity of the condition. Other tests such as x-rays and blood tests may also be done in conjunction with the biopsy, especially if a pre-cancerous condition is suspected.
Lymphomatoid papulosis is difficult to treat and there is no cure for this condition. Cortisone ointments can sometimes be helpful in reducing symptoms.
Ultraviolet light treatment will help control it and Methotrexate is sometimes used to get it under control.
The most important thing to remember is if you notice any atypical rash developing on your body, it’s always a good idea to see your dermatologist to figure out what it could be. In most cases, it will be common and not pose any health risks. But it’s always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your skin’s health.