Myxoid cysts are soft, rubbery nodules, skin colored or translucent and that typically form near the end of the fingers or toes. They sometimes cause a groove to form in the nail and at times can be quite painful. myxoid cysts on the finger

The nodules, often called digital mucous cysts, are usually 1/4 to 3/4 inches in size. Sometimes they will burst discharging a clear, thick fluid. They are more common in women and are more frequent in people over the age of 40.

What causes myxoid cysts to form?

They often appear at the site of an old injury, sites of friction, and at sites of minor trauma. They are not derived from the joint or tendon sheath. They are not synovial cysts nor are they ganglia as commonly believed. They are also not contagious and non-cancerous, so if you come into contact with someone who has this condition there is nothing to worry about.

What are the treatment options?

The cysts are benign and do not need to be treated unless they are causing you discomfort. Sometimes they will even go away by themselves without treatment.

Your dermatologist will be able to diagnose the condition with a visual inspection. If however it develops under the nail bed he or she may need to order a biopsy or scan for proper determination.

The cysts can be drained with a needle, which is the simplest procedure of all.

You can freeze them with liquid nitrogen,  leaving a flat white scar.

Cortisone injections are sometimes effective in making a myxoid cyst go away. They can also be removed surgically, but they have a high rate of recurrence.

After any treatment, there is a likelihood that the cysts reappear in time. This is common and not cause for alarm. You can just visit your dermatologist and determine if you should apply the same treatment protocol or perhaps one that you did not try previously.