Your skin growth will be removed surgically (excised) in the office and sent for microscopic examination to be certain it has been completely removed. Unless otherwise instructed, please eat normally and take all regularly prescribed medications. After surgery, most patients may resume their usual activities; sometimes, there are temporary restrictions on sports, dancing, or other physical activity.
We will use lidocaine for anesthesia; it stings briefly when injected, but there is no pain during surgery. The anesthetic numbs only the area of surgery. You will be conscious during surgery, and afterward, will be able to drive home.
Cautions — Please tell us if:
1. Have ever had a reaction to a local anesthetic such as lidocaine.
2. You have heart trouble.
3. You have a pacemaker.
4. You are taking aspirin. (Tylenol is OK)
5. You are taking anti-inflammatory or anti-arthritis medicines.
6. You are taking blood thinners.
7. You are allergic to antibiotics.
8. You are allergic to tape.
9. You are allergic to Polysporin.
A caution about aspirin and alcohol: Aspirin makes people bleed more easily, and we prefer that patients not take it for seven days before surgery and for two days after surgery. If you are taking aspirin, or a medicine containing aspirin, on your own, please stop it for seven days before surgery. However, if you are taking aspirin on a doctor’s order, ask your doctor if you can temporarily stop it and inform us of the decision before the surgery date. Alcohol, even one beer a day, will thin the blood. Do not drink any alcoholic beverage for one week prior to surgery.
Take Vitamin C, 1000 mg with each meal (3 times per day) starting 2 days before the surgery. Continue taking this amount of Vitamin C for one week after the surgery then taper off over one week i.e. take 2 pills per day for 3 days then 1 pill per day for 3 days then stop if you want to. Vitamin C is available at your local pharmacy. Take a multivitamin each day starting two days before the surgery.
People who have had hip replacements, have artificial heart valves, or who have mitral valve prolapse often have to take antibiotics before dental procedures. In the medical literature, most studies show antibiotics are not needed before and after skin surgery. The best thing to do is to check with the doctor who has implanted one of the above devices or the doctor who sees you for this problem.
Stitches (sutures) are used to close the wound after surgery. The type of stitch we use depends on the surgery and your skin. Stitches that need removal are usually taken out 7 to 14 days after surgery. Stitch removal and takes only a few minutes.
Postoperative care:
Your wound will be bandaged, and you will be given written instructions telling you exactly how to take care of it.
Postoperative discomfort is usually mild, and lasts only 12 to 24 hours after surgery. If it lasts longer, or if you have severe pain, please call our office. If a painkiller is needed, take Tylenol. Remember, no aspirin for 48 hours after surgery.
When skin heals, it does so by forming a scar. Every effort will be made to minimize the scar. Often a scar may be barely visible, especially if the skin is wrinkled. However, on the chest, shoulders, back, arms and legs, scars usually spread, often become thickened, and may be noticeable.
If you have any questions or concerns, please ask. If you’d like to bring someone with you, please do. You may also have them present during surgery.