Tinea Capitis or “ring worm of the scalp” refers to an itchy, scaly rash of the scalp area. tinea capitis - ringworm of the scalp

There are many causes of itchiness in the head area; however, when it is caused by a fungus, the circular rash is known as tinea capitis. This particular fungus prefers hair follicles. The affected hairs can harbor the fungus for a year or more. As these affected hairs are shed, other family members’ scalps can become infected with the same fungus.

Along with itching, those with ring worm of the scalp may experience pain, swollen glands and even fever symptoms

What causes Tinea Capitis?

Tinea capitis is caused by a fungus called a dermatophyte and is contagious and is related to typical ringworm.

It can be spread through combs, brushes, caps, pillow cases, cloth chairs, and other inanimate objects, as well as house pets and farm animals. It is most common between preschool-age and adolescence.

Are there treatments for ring worm of the scalp?

Before any treatments are implemented, your dermatologist will first need to determine if in fact you have tinea capitis and not a related condition. He or she can usually accomplish this through a visual inspection, but sometimes a lab test of your hair or scalp will be necessary.

Tinea capitis is usually treated with an antifungal, such as griseofulvin, which is taken by mouth for 8 weeks.

Many people have experienced positive results with ArtNaturals Anti Fungal Soap, an effective natural treatment, or Nizoral shampoo, which is used to wash the scalp 2-3 times a week.

It is very important to continue the use of the oral medication and shampoo for the entire 8 weeks. Treatment failure is common when medications are not taken everyday for the full 8 week period.

Children who have tinea capitis are not required to leave school if treatment is used as directed. Most children are not contagious when using the oral medication and shampoo.